Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Benefits of After-Dinner Walk

Take to the streets — or treadmill/walking machine — for a short after-dinner walk, suggests Consumer Reports on Health.

According to Diabetes Care, taking a 15-minute walk after every meal has the same beneficial effects as a single daily 45-minute morning walk.

This short exercise also helped counter the natural blood sugar spike that occurs after meals, noted the study.

A short walk not only gives an opportunity for a little exercise and (hopefully) fresh air, but also socializing with friends, family and neighbors. Find a like-minded pa to join you for the stroll, or give all of your attention to your pet or family member.

When the weather doesn't cooperate, find an indoor location, such as a shopping mall, indoor track (at a local school) — and leave your electronic device at home, or at least not easily within reach.

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